Streaming ========= In case if you are detect QR codes from video stream or something else, creating all required structures for each frame is very expensive. In that case you can operate Low-level API (*TODO: Link*) or use ``quirc.Decoder``. Usage ----- Create new decoder and supply to it frame' width and height: ``quirc.Decoder(640, 480)``. For each frame call decoder method ``decode()`` and apply to it raw pixels binary data. **Attention!** Streaming decoder suppress ``quirc.DecodeException``, because if current frame cannot be decoded, it must not crash a program. :: import quirc # Create new decoder with frame size decoder = quirc.Decoder(640, 480) while True: # Use OpenCV or something else here # In this example, here is a pseudo-code image = get_new_frame_from_camera() # Convert it to the grayscale, so each byte will represent one pixel image.convert('grayscale') for code in decoder.raw(image.to_string()): print code.text